This month´s post is not technical, even though I could talk about how to configure multilang static webs made with Hugo I think the how-to I followed does it best. This post is just to announce that the blog is now multilanguage: spanish and english. I worked on this feature in the spare time I could find during June and part of July.

PSA: There may be small differences between posts in both languages.

I didn´t use automatic translators to translate the posts to english, just relied on them occasionally. I´ve reviewed everything manually and changed a few details to make them sound more like what I intend to say on each language. I´m talking mostly about idioms, the technical part is identical between both languages. The main reason for this is that I work with both languages on a daily basis (in fact, some of the original posts of the blog where actually in english, taken from my work notes that are a mishmash of 99% english) and I´d rather sacrifice homogenity in order to not lose my own voice on either of the two languages.